When you’re looking to up your website’s performance, remember, you’ve got to juggle a bunch of factors all at once. In life and digital marketing, we often focus on one or two crucial elements and overlook other things that can be just as important. If you’re aiming for the top in the SERPs, SEO alone won’t cut it.
Don’t forget about making your website look cool; otherwise, you might lose all that organic respect you’ve earned. SEO and web design are like a dream team, working together so slickly that your visitors shouldn’t be aware of anything; just smoothly navigating your site. You will find both the right web developer and SEO expert at Website Design Redding for this job.
1. Avoid cringe-worthy site designs from the late ‘90s
2. Remove the brakes on your website with speed
3. Develop trust with a polished look
Avoid cringe-worthy site designs from the late ‘90s
If you’ve been grinding on SEO, content has likely been your main squeeze. You might not realize how much your website’s design can mess with your content, or at least its vibe. Random content blocks and a swarm of pointless hyperlinks can basically kick your audience off your site. Remember those cringe-worthy sites from the late ’90s with unreadable text? You may not get success in the online arena by making your website like that.
Remove the brakes on your website with speed
Wondering what’s putting the brakes on your website? Website speed is a big player in technical SEO, and a lot of websites struggle with it. If your rankings aren’t looking so hot, your site could be dragging its feet, and visitors are bouncing in a flash. Optimize those images with Digital Marketing Agency Redding, kick out unnecessary plugins, and embrace browser caching. You might think your site loads fast enough, but do you know how long folks are willing to wait? Ideally, your site should pop up in two seconds. Anything over three seconds, and about half your visitors are likely to bail.
Develop trust with a polished look
Trust is one of those SEO things you can’t slap a number on, unlike some others. People are speedy judges, and once they’ve formed an opinion, it’s like trying to turn a ship. People are used to polished websites that give us killer user experiences. If a site looks like a relic or is a headache to use, most folks will bail with a sour taste, and they might not roll back. Work with Search Engine Marketing Redding to fix this issue.
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